Care Afloat Mobile


Care Afloat Mobile is a fully Registered service with OfSTED and operates to the same standards as any Registered Children’s Home.

The only difference is that young people placed on the activity programme will have the benefit of being flexible in where they stay overnight and the activities undertaken. Care Afloat Mobile offers extensive and intensive activity-based intervention work to offer an innovative programme for young people experiencing a period of difficulty or crisis.  This could mean numerous breakdowns in prior placements, disengagement from education or challenging behaviour, including risk taking.


A young person placed on our mobile provision will experience a variety of environments and accommodation that will promote the child’s individual areas of need.

Each child will be supported to choose activities that encourage their talents and interests as well as being encouraged to try new experiences. An individually tailored activity plan is developed which incorporates the young person's specific interests and hobbies in accordance with their feelings and wishes.

We believe that these programs of activity promote confidence, trust, team building and calculated risk taking.


Locations will vary, as young people will be quite literally ‘mobile’, using a variety of camping and bunk house facilities, caravans and cottages as well as our narrow boats and yacht.

Depending on individual circumstances, the possibilities this allows are almost limitless.  We are able to operate anywhere in the UK, and by specific agreement, beyond this.

We also have a 3 bedded home located in Skelmersdale which can be used for young people to acquire skills to transition to a more stable and traditional environment.


This type of plan can positively impact in addressing the specific needs and behaviours of individual young people. It also allows adequate time to assess a young person’s needs and prepare the young person to move on to either a more traditional placement or into independence.

The ethos of Care Afloat Mobile is to break the cycles of negative influences and behaviours by providing a warm and nurturing environment that encourages the growth of self-esteem and provides young people with the right tools to allow them to learn and grow. At Thunderbolt Mobile we encourage our young people to care and respect themselves, their environment and others around them. We aim to develop an enthusiasm for learning and enjoying different life experiences whilst working closely with staff.

Young people make progress from their starting points. They develop an improved understanding into their previous disrupted lives, change their ways and reduce previous risk-taking behaviour

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